Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pictures of A Whole New World

My friends from my night in Tacloban. The little one, Deanna, stole my heart.

The center of Barangay 64.

Fridelita and Michelle, my host family for my night in Tacloban. Our friend taking the picture had never used a camera before...

Fridelita's Home

My room when I stayed with Fridelita.

The famous jeepney!

Princess' Luggage


  1. Jess,

    This was a complete surprise that you left on this mission. I am very proud of you and hope you stay safe. Have fun travelling and enjoy the experience with its ups and downs.


  2. Jess,
    What an adventure and it has just begun! I can't wait to hear all about it.
    Be safe

  3. Hey Jess Reggie this is so wonderful that you are thanking this adventure, just be safe and what a great story this would make in my travel section in my magazine, we will take when you return.

    Reggie smiles
